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Call us on +35020049999 to make an appointmnet
Erectile Dysfunction (ED), also known as "impotence", is the inability to obtain or sustain an erection sufficient enough for sexual intercourse.
It affects at least 1 in 10 men in the UK.
More than 50% of men over the age of 40 will experience Erectile Dysfunction.
Clinical evidence suggests the onset of ED can be an early sign of coronary heart disease.
Common causes can be both physical and psychological.
If you have ED, your consultant will assess your risk of cardiovascular disease and suggest options to reduce this risk
Overactive bladder syndrome (OAB): a common problem affecting both men and women. Characterised by increased frequency of urinating, urgency and sometimes urgency urinary incontinence that requires pads or changing clothes. Also some individuals, in addition suffer from getting up at night to urinate (nocturia). It can affect your quality of life. We provide full range of treatment options, which range from medical therapy, lifestyle advice to surgical options like Botox injection
If misbehaving bladder fails to respond to medication and conservative measures, Botox injection treatment is a very effective option, you'll require to undergo Urodynamic test to ascertain eligibility for Botox; a day-case procedure under local anaesthesia.
Worried about your prostate?
Common symptoms include:
1. Hesitancy - Standing waiting before urine starts to flow
2. Frequency - Passing urine more often than before
3. Intermittent stream - Stopping and starting when passing urine
4. Straining - Having to push to get urine starting to flow
5. Weak or poor stream - Weak, dribbly flow of urine and taking longer to empty the bladder
6. Dribbling - After you think you're finished, a little more urine dribbles out and you have no control over this
7 Urgency - Having to get to the toilet fast and not being able to wait
Nocturia - Having to pass urine several times during the night